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Caregiver Referral Partnerships

caregiver referrals woodstock vermont area ottaquechee health foundationHistory

The Martha Lussier Health Information and Referral Service (HIRS), now part of OHF, has served the greater Woodstock Community for many years, by making referrals from a registry of experienced caregivers, without charge, to all families and individuals who are seeking in-home assistance.  This is particularly important to family members who desperately need a respite from their role as ongoing caregivers.

HIRS merged with OHF in 2012. Since December 2014, caregiver referrals have been managed through the Ottauquechee Health Foundation office.

A new home for the referral service

In 2019, OHF worked closely with the Thompson Senior Center (TSC) to merge their respective Caregiver Referral programs. The Caregiver Referral service, now housed at the Thompson, utilizes a consolidated and vetted caregiver list to match those in need of assistance with a caregiver.  Through this service, help with bathing, food preparation, house cleaning, and general supervision is available to help keep people safe in their homes.

If you know of someone who needs a caregiver or who is a caregiver interested in being listed on the Thompson Senior Center’s Caregiver Registry, please call 802-457-3277 or email Shari at [email protected]  to learn more about this wonderful and free service.

For those who need a caregiver but cannot afford to hire one, OHF homecare/respite grants are available to meet short-term needs.