OHF Annual Meeting
Billings Farm and Museum 69 Old River Road, Woodstock, VT, United StatesJoin OHF at Billings Farm and Museum as we review the past year's successes and challenges as well as welcome new board members and ambassador members to our team. 5:30pm: Gathering with hors-d'oeuvres 6:30pm: Meeting RSVP required by January 23rd. Contact OHF director@cxi.8d7.myftpupload.com or 802-457-4188
Info Night! Cultivating Healing and Kindness in our Homes, Schools and Communities
Hartland Elementary School 97 Martinsville Road, Hartland, VT, United StatesHave you heard about ACEs? Do you know your score? Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a tremendous impact on lifelong health and opportunity. Working together, we can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive. The Ottauquechee Health Foundation (OHF) is hosting a FREE evening focused on ACEs, Trauma-Informed practices […]
Insurance Workshops
Get your questions answered at these LIVE virtual events. There are two dates to choose from and the events are free to all.
Share the Warmth Drop Off
The Collect phase is when we gather all the amazing cold-weather items the Share the Warmth Team has created. There are three scheduled Collect events, all of which will happen […]
Insurance Workshops
Get your questions answered at these LIVE virtual events. There are two dates to choose from and the events are free to all.